Muscle Strains
Muscle Strains & Treatment
We treat all types of muscle strains, from neck, to sports related. Our qualified physiotherapists will device a plan to best tackle your muscle strain aliment and help you get back to your best.
Characteristics of Muscle Strains
- Muscle strains usually occur during bursts of speed and rapid acceleration
- Onset is usually via sudden sharp pain and they often occur in large muscles which cross over joints, such as hamstring or quadriceps (thigh) strains
- Mechanism of injury will normally involve explosive muscle contraction (non-contact), usually through eccentric loading (i.e. lengthening phase of the muscle)
- Signs and symptoms may be sudden, or delayed onset after physical activity has ceased
- Swelling and/or bruising may be evident, this is grade dependent. There will be pain at the injured area, and it will often be tender to touch.
Grading of Muscle Strains
Grade I
- Minor fibre tearing with mild pain on contraction and stretch
- May or may not have bruising and be tender to touch
Grade II
- Intermediate tear with more muscle fibres torn
- Moderate pain with contraction and stretch
- Easier to reproduce signs and symptoms, are usually has more obvious bruising
Grade III
- Complete muscle tear with associated loss of function
- Sever pain and swelling, can feel a gap in the muscle tissue
- Can feel a palpable gap in the muscle tissue
Muscle Strain Management
Acute – 0 to 3 Days
- RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation).
- Early mobilisation to facilitate quicker repair of injury
Subacute – 3 to 5 Days
- Active treatment should be started gradually with range of motion exercises
- Gradually commence loaded muscle and dynamic training
- Physiotherapist can assist with massage, stretches, and a home exercise plan